Friday, August 6, 2010

How much would it cost to have my hair coloured at the hairdressers?

I have (naturally) sandy blonde/brown hair and have been dying it very blonde (my natural colour as a kid) since I was ten. I want to dye it completely its natural colour because I'm sick of coloring it, roots, and I'm sick of the look.

So how much would it cost to go to the hairdressers and get it completely coloured over? Is it better to just find out what colour she uses (she gave me matching lowlights) and do it myself from the box, or would this turn out disastrous? Also, how can I convince my mom to let me do this (she'll let me dye it blonde, but not any other colour, she's making me grow it out). Thanks!How much would it cost to have my hair coloured at the hairdressers?
well, it depends on what kind of hairdie you choose, weather or not you want streaks or highlights also, and where you get it done. you should check out differnt hairdresser websites or call them in you area and ask and compare the prices. decide how much you are willing to pay and go from there.
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